Sign Script I haven’t needed to use yet, but if you are in an environment where this is required than this will be a great little shortcut for you. For example, it looks at any Import-Module statements and validates that those modules are indeed available, and that the functions you reference are there. Verify Script is similar, but instead of syntax it checks to see if all the required “pieces parts” are present. Much nicer to find out this way rather than after you start running the script. I’ve gotten to the point where I always use this after making major edits to a script.
Sapien powershell studio change theme how to#
Rather than repeating what is already published, I’ll point you to a blog post on the SAPIEN website which explains how to customize this for your needs.Ĭheck Syntax is great, it will quickly look through the current script and identify any syntax errors. You select two files, and it will compare them and produce a report of the differences.Ĭustom Tool is interesting, essentially it becomes a menu you can customize and use to launch executables, parameterized as you want it. Especially nice is the ability to use regular expressions or wild cards.Ĭompare Files does just what it says. By default it will limit the search to PowerShell oriented files, but you could change this easily if, for example, you wanted to search through a CSV file. You can specify the folder, and can add a list of file types to look through. How many times have you been working on something and thought “OK, I wrote something like this once, but just which file was it in?” This will allow you to search for a string you enter. If you navigate to the tools menu, over to the left you’ll see these tools:įind in Files is pretty obvious, but don’t over look it. I wanted to call these out, as some may overlook what could be a set of very beneficial items.
As I’ve been working with the SAPIEN PowerShell Studio ( website), there are a few things in the Tools menu I have found useful.